Do scars or uneven
skin bother you?

If you are bothered by uneven skin texture, such as scars, wrinkles, enlarged pores, or stretch marks, we are here to help. Our approachable treatment process is quick and highly effective in clearing or reducing skin damage insecurities caused by uneven skin texture.

The Skin Resurfacing services performed at Hidden Hills Med Spa use Nano Fractional Radio Frequency treatments that effectively reduce signs of skin damage and significantly improve the appearance of uneven skin texture. Our treatments are highly effective, no matter your skin tone. As a result, you'll notice a naturally smoother, brighter, and healthier complexion in as little as a couple of sessions.

The Treatment

We use Venus Concept's Skin Resurfacing treatment options at Hidden Hills Med Spa. These treatments use advanced radiofrequency skin resurfacing technology, which corrects or improves skin damage, the appearance of scars, visible pores, deep wrinkles, stretch marks, and uneven skin texture.



✔ Visible results
✔ Low downtime
✔ Safe and effective

Skin Resurfacing that improves the appearance of:
✔ Acne scarring
✔ Enlarge pores
✔ Wrinkles and fine lines
✔ Textural irregularities



New Client Special
20% off select services

excludes promotions, injectables, microblading, and lip blushing

Book your complimentary consultation today to discover what products and services are right for you! Are you ready to be your best self?

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for this treatment? / Will this treatment work for me?

The ideal candidate for radiofrequency Skin Resurfacing is anyone who shows signs of skin damage, including deep wrinkles, scars, visible pores, stretch marks, and/or anything else that affects the skin’s texture.

There are a handful of situations that may indicate you are not a prime candidate for Skin Resurfacing. Some of these situations are, but are not limited to:

  • Having an Internal defibrillator/pacemaker or another active electrical implant

  • Any active conditions in the treatment area (e.g. rash)

  • History of skin disorders or very dry skin

  • Current or history of cancer (including pre-malignant moles)

  • Severe concurrent conditions (e.g. cardiac disorders)

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • An impaired immune system

Please join us for a complimentary consultation to discuss whether or not you are a good candidate for skin resurfacing procedures! We are here to answer all questions you have about the process!

I have dark skin. Can I receive skin resurfacing treatments?

Yes. Our treatments can be done on both fair and dark skin alike.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

Most patients receive 3-4 treatments sessions. Your treatment plan will be determined during your customized consultation depending on the treatment area and your desired results.

How far apart are treatments performed?

We typically schedule treatments four weeks apart.

How long does a treatment last?

Skin Resurfacing treatments are quick and non-invasive! Your session will last anywhere between 15-30 minutes.

What does a treatment feel like?

Many will describe the process as feeling like tiny pins followed by a little zap. Additionally, your skin may feel warm as if you have a sunburn.

Will the treatment be painful?

All of our Skin Resurfacing treatments will be slightly uncomfortable but not painful. Your face will feel warm as if you have a sunburn. As a result, your face will be slightly red directly following the treatment. For more aggressive treatments you may be offered a topical numbing cream to reduce your discomfort. Our number one priority is to make you feel comfortable while at our spa. So, please let us know how we can assist you in feeling relaxed and without discomfort while at a session at the spa.